It is important for everyone to respect the work of their loved ones and to take care of their property. Valuing these assets financially is a thoughtful act to fulfill one’s obligation to sell at market value and to honor the memory. Verdier Héritage Solutions offers its services in a formula of grouping of expertises.
Executors and heirs are often required to make an estate settlement. Verdier Heritage Solutions offers its clients the opportunity to maximize the value of the assets they have to liquidate through a skillful process.
Our know-how allows us to increase the value of your legacy.
Built over many years, the family business’ network of contacts is composed of professionals chosen for their skills and the quality of their customer service. The members of this multidisciplinary team share a common desire to help people make the best decisions.
The heirs of Jacques Bernard (fictitious name) have decided to sell the entire estate to Verdier Héritage Solutions.
The heirs of Michel Le François (fictitious name) have decided to sell part of the estate.
The heirs of Francine l’Heureux (fictitious name) mandate Verdier Héritage Solutions to develop a specific property of the estate. The extent of our real estate expertise allows us to offer our services to the following needs
The heirs of Robert Saint-Amour (fictitious name) wish to subdivide the vacant family land so that each one keeps a distinct part of the property with certain parts shared by all.
The heirs of Sylvie Leclerc (fictitious name) wish to build a residential condominium on a vacant lot that they inherited, keep some units and sell the others.
Verdier Heritage Solutions handles most aspects of your heritage development in a humane and efficient manner.
Verdier Heritage Solutions handles all stages of the process, at the end of which clients can keep their real estate assets or sell them.
Honoring memory, restoring peace of mind and sharing experience are the foundations on which Verdier Heritage Solutions is built.